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Archive for the ‘image+writings’ Category

Farewell 2012

Monday, December 31st, 2012

Unfortunately, I could not finish one very important task which had to be done within 2012. I don’t know whether it is truly good or not for my life, but at least I can tell myself “I did my best”. Life is complicated and sometimes “what I want to do” does not go for “the way I want to proceed”; but always important thing is that “not give up” and “don’t repeat the mistake” I believe.

- Happy new year my friends and I was really happy to be with you guys in 2012.

– Anyway, PX CASK is quite good for the last day of the year :)

Old & New

Monday, December 31st, 2012

I’ve only chosen Moleskine for many years because it’s outlook is quite unique and simple, although I have heard about that some other brands’ “the quality of sheet” is much better than Moleskine (and as well as rumors that the current Moleskine is not the Moleskine exactly was but it was just recreated for the purpose of marketing). Anyway, recently I could use one Japanese makers’ sheet by accident and realized that what is “the meaning of the quality of sheet” after so long a time. Now I am using Life Note for my writing, and whenever I write ST using my pen on the sheet I feel the joy of writing : sensing the scratching of pen; seeing the absorption of ink; and feeling the fact that I translate my “invisible mind” into “words”.

UK December

Monday, December 31st, 2012

for Biz…as always



Sunday, October 28th, 2012

- 정답이 없는 것 맞는데,  이제 슬슬 요령이 생긴다. 어쨌든 덕분에 편하게 왔다는.

Oct 17~ 25 in the US

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

New York, New Jersey and Chicago


Chicago (Sep. 24 ~ 27)

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012



Thursday, September 6th, 2012

- 정치가 좀 이런 맛이 있어야 되는거 아닌가… 목동녀말고 이런거 볼 날이 언젠간 오려나? 난 철수에 관심없다만.


Monday, September 3rd, 2012

- 딸보 조아라하시는 횽아들 현대백화점으로 달려가보삼…100병 한정 륙만구쳔원.